No. the Reboot 168 Program is not a form of medical treatment so there are no side effect. However there is the process of recovery or transition call "Healing Crisis" or "Recovery Symptom". Base on Dr Berg's medical experience, we will go thru a process call Ketosis during the Reboot 168 program.
Yes. It is based on the biologist Yoshinori Ohzumi's 2016 Nobel Prize in Medicine on his research on how cells recycle and renew their content, a process called Autophagy.
There are a few symptoms experience from day 2 of the reboot program such as headache, muscle cramp, weight loss, short term fatigue, enhance focus and energy, appetite suppression, increase ketone in breath and urine. However symptoms will clear on day 4 usually and you will feel very light and your mind is crystal clear, you will feel like your body is reboot totally.
Yes. It can help tremendously as Reboot 168 program is facilitating the body to start getting healthy by rebooting it's own natural healing abilities thru the process of Autophagy. At the same time Reboot Lavida provides ingredients for the body to create miracles again. However, please consult your doctor before starting on the program.